Naturalist tour on a green boat

Naturalist tour on a green boat

General info

Suitable for everybody, including families with children of every age.

It is a calm, serene and relaxing activity nestled within beautiful Lake Fiastra.

You will sail on Lake Fiastra  (Sibillini National Park) in a boat fuled by both an electric engine and a solar panel- Travel includes crossing the lake and exploring remote coves, underneath the overhanging crag of Ruffella and then on to the mouth of the Fiastrone river which supplies the lakes water.

Available by reservation only



Prezzi a persona

durationhalf1 hour
Adults 10 € 15 €
Children from 5 to 14 7 € 10 €
Children up to 5 FREE FREE


Directions to our adventure park

Address: Via Boccioni, Loc. San Lorenzo al Lago, 62035 Fiastra (MC)

See directions and map to reach our rafting center. You will find the address and coordinates too.

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